Exercise for Every Body- Fitness Tips for Older Adults
Exercise for Every Body- Fitness Tips for Older Adults

Exercise for Every Body: Fitness Tips for Older Adults


At every age, exercise is important and possible. Like any habit, it can be difficult to begin exercising regularly, but the benefits can be enormous. Read about types of exercise, how to gain motivation, the benefits of exercise, and ideas to get started.

Types of Exercise

When considering exercise, it may feel like there are too many options. Where can you start?

There are two main categories of exercise:

  • Cardiovascular (aerobic) exercise is any exercise that increases your heart rate. Classic examples include running, walking, using the elliptical, or biking. Cardio can help keep your heart and lungs healthy and prevent or improve chronic diseases.
  • Strength (resistance) training is any exercise that focuses on strengthening a particular muscle group. Bodybuilders and 40-pound dumbbells may come to mind, but strength training is for everyone. Maybe you want to be sure you can throw your grandchild in the air when you visit; strength training can help with that.

When considering the type of exercise you want or can do, it's important to think about your goals. Why do you want to exercise? Knowing that, you can make a more informed decision about what type of exercise is best for you.

You Might Be Stronger Than You Think

If it has been a while since you exercised regularly, you might be unsure how much is too much. The best thing to do is start small, make a habit, and then plan to build on it. Finding motivation to get started can also be difficult. Easy ways you can begin regularly exercising are:

  • Set small, achievable goals on a timeline. Checking off several small boxes can build motivation for bigger jumps in the future. And you can visualize your progress!
  • Join a fitness or exercise group. Having others to exercise with can bring accountability and make it more enjoyable.
  • Hire a fitness coach or trainer. One-on-one attention to your fitness goals and needs can expedite your efforts. Being familiar with numerous exercises and muscle groups, a trainer can point you to the right kinds of exercise. And making appointments is a helpful way to make sure exercise stays in your schedule.

The Benefits of Exercise

There are many benefits to regular exercise! Physical activity may lead to the improvement of the following:

  • Chronic diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease
  • Mental health conditions
  • Daily energy levels
  • Mobility
  • Sleep

There Are Always Ways to Move

No matter your starting place, there are always ways to move your body! Your care team at IntuneHealth can help you discover an exercise routine or program that is best for you. They can understand your health needs and physical abilities by getting to know you. But even before meeting with a doctor, you could increase your daily exercise in small ways:

  • Parking farther from the store
  • Choosing to take the stairs
  • Getting a standing desk or exercise ball for a chair
  • Stretching for 5 minutes after waking up or before bed

Exercise should be fun! Join a class, dance, swim, and get people you know to do it with. It could become a new favorite weekly activity.

Become An IntuneHealth Patient Today

IntuneHealth is a new approach to primary care for people 65+ on a Medicare Advantage plan. We specialize in caring for older adults and offer proactive, preventive care to keep you healthy — including walk-in visits and same-day appointments for patients — so you can spend more time living your best life. 

We also offer events and programs to keep our patients healthy, active and connected, from yoga to cooking classes. Make sure to book your one-on-one tour of your local center, or call us today at 1 (844) 646-8863